Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Limerick Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S2E21 and S2E22, S.O.S.

Diplomacy's hit a few snags,
The sort that require body bags.
So war's broken out,
The battle's a rout,
And Jiaying's busy planting false flags.

Now, Raina serenely objects,
But Jiaying needs all her subjects.
So rather than gloat,
She just cuts Raina's throat,
But Skye catches her and defects.

Now Cal seems to be in a clamp,
But a drug cocktail gives him an amp.
And while those prosthetics
Might fail in aesthetics,
MacLachlan's delightfully camp.

The Inhumans will not be barred,
And catch the carrier off-guard.
They capture the ship,
But some give them the slip,
And Mack gets to pull a Die Hard.

Hunter and May found the spot
Where Bobbi was tricked and then caught.
The two win the day,
Although in the melee,
Both Bobbi and faux-May get shot.

Jiaying has Terrigen, and gets to it,
Flying out to more broadly spew it.
Skye's ready to spring,
But then Cal kills Jiaying
To spare Skye from having to do it.

That's done, but there's still more to set,
And there must still be some kind of threat.
So Terrigens fly
Into the food supply
To set up more Inhumans yet.

So Cal, for his dopey part,
Is set loose with blank mind but big heart.
But Coulson and Skye
Must return to play spy.
There's a Secret Avengers to start.

With FitzSimmons together anew,
A few people's ships have come true.
But before that's adjourned,
While Fitz's back is turned,
Simmon's swallowed by alien goo.

For a while, the show had declined,
And I'd written it off in my mind,
But free of that fetter,
This finish is better
Than the rest of the season combined.

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