Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Limerick Review: The Flash S1E21, Grodd Lives

Iris finds she's the newcomer
To knowing 'bout Flash. That's a bummer,
So she doesn't tarry
In tracking down Barry.
She confronts him for keeping it from her.

A new rogue, who's dour and unsmiling,
Runs about in milit'ry styling.
Flash takes him to task,
But when they unmask,
It turns out to be General Eiling.

But the Eiling facade is for show,
And the real puppeteer dwells below.
The team goes in madly,
But that goes quite badly,
Wells has Eddie, and Grodd now has Joe.

Barry finds that it's quite a strain
To fight one with a psychic brain.
Though it's not well played,
With Iris' aid,
He defeats Grodd by way of a train.

It's easy enough to be snide,
And the CGI's fun to deride,
But really, whether Grodd
Made you jeer or applaud,
I just love the fact they even tried.

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